
GET /entity/<entity-id>

Retrieves a metadata entity. This endpoint is meant only for human consumption and must not be used by any service.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
  • Response 200 SHOW
  • {
      "id": "0194fdc2fa2ffcc041d3",
      "type": "episode",
      "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
      "data": { ... },
      "external_ids": [ ... ],
      "state": "published",


POST /event/<source>

Handles an event from an external source. Possible sources are comet6-program, comet6-package, comet6-schedule, vimond-asset.

There are currently no events for comet6-channel. Raw data for this source is to be updated manually through posting to /raw/comet6-channel/<id>.

There are also no events for comet6-broadcast. Broadcast data is extracted from schedule data (comet6-schedule).

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Authorization: Basic <credentials>
  • Response 200 SHOW


The /raw/ endpoint is meant for manually fetching and updating data in the formats provided by our data sources. It is not intended for use by other services.

GET /raw/<source>/<id>

Returns the raw data and the their state for the given source and ID.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 200 SHOW
POST /raw/<source>/<id>/<state>

Stores the request body as-is as the raw data for the given source and ID.
Possible states are created, published, updated, unpublished, deleted. In case deleted is passed, the body is not checked.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 200 SHOW


GET /__status

Provides service status information.

  • Requests SHOW
  • Response 200 SHOW
  • {
      "date": "2020-06-23T11:14:05.529788Z",
      "framework": {
        "name": "stdlib",
        "version": "go1.14.4"
      "go": {
        "goarch": "amd64",
        "goos": "darwin",
        "num_cpu": 8,
        "num_goroutines": 3,
        "version": "go1.14.4"
      "language": {
        "name": "go",
        "version": "go1.14.4"
      "service": {
        "birthday": "2020-06-23"


Tasks provides a means to monitor and control background work.

GET /tasks

Fetches information about all tasks.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 200 SHOW
  • [
        "created": "2020-12-14T15:37:50.86033Z",
        "description": "Send entities",
        "id": "db70c2",
        "modified": "2020-12-14T15:37:50.872928Z",
        "state": "completed"
        "created": "2020-12-14T15:37:46.908205Z",
        "description": "Send entities",
        "id": "d88bb5",
        "modified": "2020-12-14T15:37:46.924263Z",
        "state": "completed"
GET /tasks/<id>

Fetches information about the given task.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 200 SHOW
  • {
      "created": "2020-12-14T15:37:50.86033Z",
      "description": "Send entities",
      "id": "db70c2",
      "modified": "2020-12-14T15:37:50.872928Z",
      "state": "completed"
DELETE /tasks/<id>

Aborts the given task.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 202 SHOW


GET /internal/external_ids{?source,entity_type}

Returns external ids corresponding to the given source and entity_type source. This endpoint is meant only for human consumption and must not be used by any service.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 200 SHOW
GET /internal/mapping/<source>/<id>

Returns the entity ID corresponding to the given external ID for the given source. This endpoint is meant only for human consumption and must not be used by any service.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 200 SHOW
POST /internal/send-entities{?everything,since,source,entity_type,state}

Triggers entities to be sent on the SNS and returns a task ID that can be used to abort the send if needed.

If the request body is empty, the request must have exactly one of the three parameters specified.

The request body may contain a newline-delimited list of entity IDs of the entities to send.

  • Parameters
  • Name Description Required Type Example

    Set to true to send all entities.

    bool true

    Include only those entities whose underlying raw data has been modified in the specified period of time.

    duration 24h

    Include only those entities which have underlying raw data from the specified source.

    string comet6-program

    Include only those entities of matching type.

    string series

    Include only the entities created by raws with given state.
    Accepted states are deleted, unpublished, updated, published, created.

    string deleted
  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
    > X-Api-Key: <key>
  • Response 202 SHOW
  • {
      "task_id": "abc123",
GET /internal/stats

Returns internal statistics. This endpoint is meant only for human consumption and must not be used by any service.

  • Requests SHOW
  • > Client: <client>
  • Response 200 SHOW

Data Format


All data in Metadata Ingest is represented as entities. An entity is a JSON object with a unique ID, a type, modification timestamp, data, and external IDs. The data is defined by the type of the entity, and is always a JSON object. Any field under data may be omitted. Any ID referenced from an entity is a Entity ID unless otherwise specified.

  "id": "0194fdc2fa2ffcc041d3",
  "type": "episode",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": { ... },
  "external_ids": [ ... ],
  "state": "published"

Possible entity types are episode, season, series, movie, video (video file, i.e. Vimond asset, Comet VOD package), clipvideo, channel, schedule, broadcast.

The external_ids is a list of corresponding IDs from external sources. Possible sources are comet5-program, comet6-program, comet6-package, comet6-channel, comet6-schedule, comet6-broadcast, vimond-asset, vimond-fi-asset, vimond-fi-category, won-product-code.

All timestamps are formatted according to RFC 3339.

Field info


  • content_rating – content rating for different rating systems (tv4, kavi)

    • System tv4
      • age_rating – parental rating following the TV4 color rating system (green, turqouise, blue, orange, red, purple)
        • green (any age)
        • turqouise (7+)
        • blue (11+)
        • orange (15+)
        • red (18+)
        • purple (18+ explicit)
    • System kavi – KAVI content rating system for MTV
      • age_rating – one of S, T, 7, 12, 16, 18
      • descriptors – one of anxiety, violence, sex, intoxicants
  • duration – duration of the video in seconds

  • localizations – data in different languages

    • language – one of da, fi, lt, nb, sv
  • only_fetchable_by_id – used to hide entity from other requests then when asking for it by id or vimondId directly.

  • original_title – title of the program in the original language

  • production_countries – list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes

  • publishing – publishing information

    • site – one of mtv.fi, tv4play.se
    • published – indicates whether or not the entity is to be considered published on the given site
    • publish_at – time at which the entity was or is expected to be published
    • expire_at – time at which the entity expired or is expected to expire
    • playable_at – time after which the corresponding video can be played
    • offline – offline data
      • download_allowed – indicates whether or not entity is downloadable
  • rating – parental rating following the TV4 Media rating color system (green, turqouise, blue, orange, red, purple)

    • green (any age)
    • turqouise (7+)
    • blue (11+)
    • orange (15+)
    • red (18+)
    • purple (18+ explicit)
  • resources – list of images and trailers

    • kind – one of backdroptall, character, cover, main, main-annotated, trailer, logocolour, logowhite, logocolourlocal, logowhitelocal, poster, logoroundlocal, brandlogocolour, brandlogowhite, first-frame-landscape, first-frame-portrait, serieslogo
    • region – one of DK, FI, NO, SE
    • type – one of image, trailer


  • category – one of entertainment, movie

  • visibility – one of Default, AlwaysShow, NeverShow


  • rights
    • content_ownertv4, mtv
    • country – one of DK, FI, NO, SE


  • category – one of entertainment, factual, news, scripted

  • visibility – one of Default, AlwaysShow, NeverShow


  • audio

    • language – one of da, fi, nb, sv
    • kind – always dubbed
  • orientation – one of landscape, portrait

  • planning_system_id – id for video in planning/contract system louise or won

    • id – id for video in planning/contract system
    • typelouise or won
  • parent_id – link from video to a corresponding episode or movie


  • playable_entity – links to a VOD entity (episode/movie)

  • type – one of live, recorded

  • status – one of rerun, first-run

  • planned – exact start and end of the broadcast

  • public – start and end of the broadcast rounded to the nearest 5 minute period, meant for public presentations

  • rights

    • type – one of start-over, catch-up, blackout
    • device_types – one or more of ott, stb


  • type – one of linear, virtual


  • priority

    • value – int 1-6
    • span – one of 1d, 7d, 30d, forever
  • converted_from_clip – optional timestamp field with the time the entity was converted from clip to short

Example data

The example data below contains all possible fields for each entity type.

Episode entity

  "id": "0194fdc2fa2ffcc041d3",
  "type": "episode",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "credits": [
        "character": "Alex",
        "name": "Felix Herngren",
        "type": "actor"
    "episode_number": 9,
    "localizations": [
        "language": "sv",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief synopsis [...]",
          "extended": "Extended synopsis [...]",
          "long": "Long synopsis [...]",
          "medium": "Medium synopsis [...]",
          "short": "Short synopsis [...]"
        "title": "Episode title [...]"
    "original_title": "Solsidan",
    "rating": "blue",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "main",
        "media_type": "image/jpeg",
        "ratio": "16:9",
        "region": "SE",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://img.tv4.incomet.io/524acf16-caec-4fef-9f50-9d27c5f6dde1/crop16x9.jpg"
    "season_id": "ff12045b73c86e4ff95f"
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet6-program",
      "id": "123456"
  "state": "created"

Season entity

  "id": "ff12045b73c86e4ff95f",
  "type": "season",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "credits": [
        "character": "Alex",
        "name": "Felix Herngren",
        "type": "actor"
    "genres": [
    "localizations": [
        "language": "sv",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief synopsis [...]",
          "extended": "Extended synopsis [...]",
          "long": "Long synopsis [...]",
          "medium": "Medium synopsis [...]",
          "short": "Short synopsis [...]"
        "title": "Säsong 3"
    "number_of_episodes": 10,
    "original_title": "Solsidan",
    "production_countries": [
    "production_year": "2012",
    "rating": "blue",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "cover",
        "media_type": "image/png",
        "ratio": "2:3",
        "region": "NO",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://img.tv4.incomet.io/fec967f6-3819-4d03-a971-8077d3b67d3d/crop2x3.png"
    "rights": [
        "content_owner": "tv4",
        "country": "SE"
    "season_number": 3,
    "series_id": "f662a5eee82abdf44a2d"
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet6-program",
      "id": "234567"
  "state": "created"

Series entity

  "id": "f662a5eee82abdf44a2d",
  "type": "series",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "category": "scripted",
    "config": {
      "sort_episode_by": "playable_at"
    "credits": [
        "character": "Alex",
        "name": "Felix Herngren",
        "type": "actor"
    "genres": [
    "imdb": "tt1593584",
    "localizations": [
        "language": "sv",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief synopsis [...]",
          "extended": "Extended synopsis [...]",
          "long": "Long synopsis [...]",
          "medium": "Medium synopsis [...]",
          "short": "Short synopsis [...]"
        "title": "Solsidan"
    "nid": "solsidan",
    "original_title": "Solsidan",
    "production_countries": [
    "rating": "blue",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "trailer",
        "media_type": "video/mp4",
        "ratio": "16:9",
        "region": "SE",
        "type": "trailer",
        "url": "https://trailer-cdn.a2d.tv/comet/d2790630-5bae-4da3-8b27-a82621305321.mp4"
    "tags": [
        "name": "TV-Serier",
        "type": "Ad"
    "visibility": "Default"
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet5-program",
      "id": "34567"
      "source": "comet6-program",
      "id": "345678"
  "state": "created"

Movie entity

  "id": "0b75fb180daf48a79ee0",
  "type": "movie",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "category": "movie",
    "credits": [
        "character": "Alex",
        "name": "Felix Herngren",
        "type": "actor"
    "genres": [
    "imdb": "tt7279180",
    "localizations": [
        "language": "sv",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief synopsis [...]",
          "extended": "Extended synopsis [...]",
          "long": "Long synopsis [...]",
          "medium": "Medium synopsis [...]",
          "short": "Short synopsis [...]"
        "title": "Solsidan - Filmen"
    "nid": "solsidan",
    "original_title": "Solsidan",
    "production_countries": [
    "production_year": "2017",
    "rating": "green",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "cover",
        "media_type": "image/png",
        "ratio": "2:3",
        "region": "SE",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://img.tv4.incomet.io/dab79aa5-db89-47e5-a9c8-2fb7c2537538/crop2x3.png"
    "tags": [
        "name": "Small town life",
        "type": "Keyword"
    "visibility": "Default"
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet6-program",
      "id": "456789"
  "state": "created"

Video entity

  "id": "b10d394651850fd4a178",
  "type": "video",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "audio": [
        "language": "da",
        "kind": "dubbed"
        "language": "fi",
        "kind": "dubbed"
        "language": "nb",
        "kind": "dubbed"
        "language": "sv",
        "kind": "dubbed"
    "chapters": [
        "start": 2028.72,
        "end": 2622.853,
        "duration": 20.23,
        "localizations": [
            "language": "sv",
            "synopsis": {
              "brief": "chapter-text"
            "title": "Chapter Title"
        "resources": [
            "kind": "main",
            "media_type": "image/jpeg",
            "ratio": "16:9",
            "type": "image",
            "url": "https://tvmedia.image-service.eu-north-1-preprod.vmnd.tv/api/v2/img/aaa-bbb"
    "drm_protected": true,
    "duration": 456,
    "live": true,
    "migrated_vimond_asset_id": "987654",
    "only_fetchable_by_id": false,
    "parent_id": "0b75fb180daf48a79ee0",
    "playback_info": {},
    "planning_system_id": {
      "type": "louise",
      "id": "123456"
    "program_nid": "program-nid",
    "publishing": [
        "site": "tv4play.se",
        "published": true,
        "publish_at": "2021-01-01T10:00:00Z",
        "expire_at": "2023-01-01T10:00:00Z",
        "playable_at": "2022-06-01T10:00:00Z",
        "offline": {
          "download_allowed": false
        "ads_allowed": true
    "start_over": false,
    "title": "Solsidan del 1"
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet6-package",
      "id": "123456"
      "source": "vimond-asset",
      "id": "1234567"
  "state": "created"

Clipvideo entity

  "id": "0194fdc2fa2ffcc041d3",
  "type": "clipvideo",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "drm_protected": false,
    "duration": 123,
    "localizations": [
        "language": "sv",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief description [...]"
        "title": "Kökets middag: Sallad på rostad brysselkål med lagrad ost"
    "migrated_vimond_asset_id": "987654",
    "only_fetchable_by_id": false,
    "program_nid": "program-nid",
    "publishing": [
        "site": "tv4play.se",
        "published": true,
        "publish_at": "2020-12-23T12:23:47Z",
        "expire_at": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
        "playable_at": "2020-12-23T23:59:59Z",
        "ads_allowed": false
    "resources": [
        "kind": "main",
        "media_type": "image/jpeg",
        "ratio": "16:9",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://asset-images.b17g.net/api/v2/img/5fe337aae4b0a396197dbb92-1608727596648"
    "tags": [
        "name": "köket",
        "type": "keyword"
        "name": "siri-barje",
        "type": "editorial"
        "name": "cc-julmat-bak",
        "type": "editorial"
    "playback_info": {}
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "vimond-asset",
      "id": "13311817"
  "state": "created"

Sportvideo entity

  "id": "ff12045b73c86e4ff95f",
  "type": "sportvideo",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "arena": "Camp Nou",
    "commentators": "Lauri Kottonen",
    "drm_protected": true,
    "duration": 7500,
    "in_studio": "Petri Pasanen, Mika Väyrynen",
    "live": true,
    "localizations": [
        "language": "fi",
        "away_team_name": "Atlético Madrid",
        "country": "Espanja",
        "genre": "Jalkapallo",
        "home_team_name": "Barcelona",
        "league": "La Liga",
        "round": "Runkosarja",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief description [...]"
        "title": "Barcelona - Atlético Madrid"
    "only_fetchable_by_id": false,
    "original_title": "Barcelona - Atlético Madrid",
    "playback_info": {},
    "planning_system_id": {
      "type": "won",
      "id": "12345"
    "production_year": "2022",
    "publishing": [
        "site": "mtv.fi",
        "platform": "mtv-svod",
        "published": true,
        "publish_at": "2023-04-23T14:10:00Z",
        "playable_at": "2023-04-23T14:10:00Z",
        "live_event_end": "2023-04-23T10:16:15Z",
        "ads_allowed": true,
        "regions": [
        "vimond_product_group_ids": [
    "reporters": "Sami Hyypiä",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "main",
        "media_type": "image/jpeg",
        "ratio": "16:9",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://image-via.katsomo.fi/api/v2/img/644024f6e4b0f70099912cec-1682000016248?location=main"
        "kind": "poster",
        "media_type": "image/jpeg",
        "ratio": "2:3",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://image-via.katsomo.fi/api/v2/img/644024f6e4b0f70099912cec-1682000016248?location=posterClean"
    "season": "2022-2023",
    "start_over": true,
    "studio": false,
    "tags": [
        "name": "ottelut",
        "type": "category"
        "name": "la-liga",
        "type": "category"
        "name": "sports",
        "type": "category"
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "vimond-fi-asset",
      "id": "12345678"
      "source": "won-product-code",
      "id": "12345"
  "state": ""

Channel entity

  "id": "0875d64ee2d3d0d0de6b",
  "type": "channel",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "display_name": "MTV Uutiset Live",
    "drm_protected": false,
    "only_fetchable_by_id": false,
    "resources": [
        "kind": "main",
        "media_type": "image/jpeg",
        "ratio": "16:9",
        "type": "image",
        "url": "https://tvmedia.image-service.eu-north-1-preprod.vmnd.tv/api/v2/img/6323360de4b01690797d071d?location=main"
    "type": "virtual",
    "playback_info": {}
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "vimond-fi-asset",
      "id": "20025962"
      "source": "comet6-channel",
      "id": "1"
  "state": "created"

Schedule entity

  "id": "f8f9b44ce85ff044c6b1",
  "type": "schedule",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "channel_id": "0875d64ee2d3d0d0de6b",
    "day": "2020-11-04",
    "broadcast_ids": [
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet6-schedule",
      "id": "3456789"
  "state": "created"

Broadcast entity

  "id": "c5b252c7429c32f3a8ae",
  "type": "broadcast",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "playable_entity": {
      "id": "0194fdc2fa2ffcc041d3",
      "type": "episode"
    "metadata": {
      "season_number": 3,
      "episode_number": 9,
      "title": "Solsidan",
      "synopsis": {
        "brief": "Brief synopsis [...]",
        "extended": "Extended synopsis [...]",
        "long": "Long synopsis [...]",
        "medium": "Medium synopsis [...]",
        "short": "Short synopsis [...]"
      "resources": [
          "kind": "main",
          "media_type": "image/jpeg",
          "ratio": "16:9",
          "region": "SE",
          "type": "image",
          "url": "https://img.tv4.incomet.io/524acf16-caec-4fef-9f50-9d27c5f6dde1/crop16x9.jpg"
    "type": "recorded",
    "status": "rerun",
    "planned": {
      "start": "2020-01-01T19:00:00+01:00",
      "end": "2020-01-01T19:28:00+01:00"
    "public": {
      "start": "2020-01-01T19:00:00+01:00",
      "end": "2020-01-01T19:30:00+01:00"
    "rights": [
        "type": "start-over",
        "from": "2020-01-01T19:00:00+01:00",
        "until": "2020-01-01T21:00:00+01:00",
        "device_types": [
        "fast_forward": false,
        "pause": true,
        "rewind": true
  "external_ids": [
      "source": "comet6-broadcast",
      "id": "456789"
  "state": "created"

Short entity

  "id": "0194fdc2fa2ffcc041d3",
  "type": "short",
  "modified": "2021-02-11T11:11:11Z",
  "data": {
    "localizations": [
        "language": "sv",
        "synopsis": {
          "brief": "Brief description [...]"
        "title": "Kökets middag: Sallad på rostad brysselkål med lagrad ost"
    "only_fetchable_by_id": false,
    "original_title":"Kökets middag: Sallad på rostad brysselkål med lagrad ost&",
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